Friday, March 4, 2011

Bakht Singh

And then there are stories like Bakht Singh's , whose encounter with his own sinfulness before the Law was mercifully brief and whose subsequent life of faith was unusually deep:
Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was saying, "Oh! Lord, forgive me. Truly I am a great sinner." For a time I felt that there was no hope for me, a great sinner. As I was crying again the Voice said, "This is my body broken for you; this is my blood shed for the remission of your sins." So I knew that the blood of Jesus only could wash away my sins. I did not know how, but knew that the blood of Jesus only could save me. I could not explain the fact, but joy and peace came to my soul; I had the assurance that all my sins were washed away; I knew that the Lord Jesus was reigning in my heart. I just kept on praising Him.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You Must Be Born Again

We do not give birth to ourselves, we are not reborn because we believe. We believe because we are reborn.

-- Martin Lloyd-Jones