Monday, November 3, 2008

There is in fact a "higher" Christian life than the usual

The main motivation for this separate blog is to collect in one place descriptions and testimonies and analyses of an area of Christian experience well described by some individuals throughout the history of the church, that can fairly be called a "higher" Christian life than the ordinary, whether any particular movement, such as the Holiness movement, or the Higher Life movement, holds theological keys to this experience or not. Insofar as they describe it in a way that makes it accessible I want to showcase their thoughts.

I don't want to have to spend time defending the reality of such a higher life if I can avoid it. The need to do that usually comes out of the erroneous theologies about it, so I'd rather focus on the experiences themselves that Christians have described.

A reason Revival is in the title of this blog is that I think Revival is the model that will made these experiences more understandable and acceptable to those who are inclined to reject them on theological grounds. Revival is God's moving on a gathering of Christians in a sovereign powerful way, and the results in individual lives are pretty much what the Higher Life and Second Blessing people describe, and in the context of revival the usual critics of those movements don't have a problem with them but do appreciate them as a genuine move of God. Since that is true, constructing a solid Biblical theology which supports them must be possible, although I am probably not up to that task.

There's a lot to say about all this but it will have to wait.

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